Pokemon snap elsewhere forest
Pokemon snap elsewhere forest

pokemon snap elsewhere forest

Reach Research Level 2 on Fireflow Volcano. Reach Research Level 2 on Sweltering Sands (Night). Reach Research Level 2 on Sweltering Sands (Day). Scan and take the alternate path it reveals to unlock the Illumina Spot.

pokemon snap elsewhere forest

Reach Research Level 2 on Lental Seafloor, then replay the level and throw an Illumina Orb at the Clawitzer you encounter at the start. Reach Research Level 2 on Maricopia Reef (Day). Reach Research Level 2 on Blushing Beach (Day). Reach Research Level 2 on both Founja Jungle levels. Reach Research Level 2 on Founja Jungle (Day).

pokemon snap elsewhere forest

Reach Research Level 2 on all Florio Nature Park stages and photograph an Illumina Meganium. Take a photograph of the glowing Illumina Bulb on Florio Nature Park (Night). Reach Research Level 2 on Florio Nature Park (Day). No requirement - this is the game's first stage. To help you out, we've put together a cheat-sheet to each of the game's stages in roughly the order they become available, as well as the steps you need to take to unlock them. For example, it feels a little counter-intuitive that you can't actually explore the Research Camp which serves as your character's nominal base of operations until about halfway through the game.


How to unlock all locations in New Pokemon Snapīecause of the game's piecemeal exploration, it can be tricky to gauge just when and how you can expect to unlock new stages.

pokemon snap elsewhere forest

Travel between the islands of Lental is instantaneous, which is convenient, because you're going to be going back and forth constantly as you gain access to new areas, stages, and research levels. However, New Pokemon Snap isn't designed to be progressed through linearly. On Lental's various islands you'll find temperate meadows, rainforest jungles, tropical beaches, active volcanoes, frozen tundra, and more! To see this content please enable targeting cookies.


"Milotic, the Illumina Pokémon of Belusylva Island, can be found in this crystal-clear lake deep in the forest.New Pokemon Snap is set across the various islands of the Lental region, a small archipelago which quite conveniently features an improbably diverse series of biomes. "A mysterious power within this foggy forest seems to have uncoupled the climate from the flow of time." Course Map There is also a ledge with a Ninetales on the right. In the middle of the area, there is a cave with sleeping Bewear. During Winter, there are dead trees and snow, and Pokémon such as Gardevoir, Bewear, Deerling and Sawsbuck.

  • Winter: The season can be selected by illuminating Espeon with an Illumina orb on the first alternate route.
  • In the middle of the area, there is a small river and some trees. During Autumn, there are many trees and piles of fallen leaves, and Pokémon such as Serperior, Applin, Deerling and Sawsbuck.
  • Autumn: The season can be selected by feeding Espeon a fluffruit on the first alternate route.
  • In the middle of the area, there is a waterfall with some Bulbasaur. During Summer, there are many trees and bamboo, and Pokémon such as Unfezant, Pancham, Bulbasaur, Deerling and Sawsbuck.
  • Summer: The season can be selected by illuminating Espeon with an Illumina orb on the main route.
  • In the middle of the area, there is a large tree with piles of petals. During Spring, there are many cherry blossom trees, and Pokémon such as Unfezant, Shiftry, Deerling and Sawsbuck.
  • Spring: The season can be selected by feeding Espeon a fluffruit on the main route.
  • After that, there is a corner with trees, Deerling and Sawsbuck in different seasons, and the course ends after passing the corner. In the sunny spot, there are various Pokémon that have been encountered in the course previously. By lighting up the first, second, third, and fourth crystablooms, the player can reunite a Deerling with Sawsbuck, and this unlocks a path to the sunny spot.
  • After reaching the second foggy path, there are several crystablooms that are located on the right of the course.
  • Starting from Level 3, the player can play a melody to cause it to move, which leads to a path with Espurr and Espeon.
  • Near the start of the course, there is a Trevenant blocking a path in the course.
  • Starting from Level 3, the seasons can be selected by doing various actions with an Espeon which appears throughout the course. The course ends after passing by the lake. After passing through a log, there are some ancient ruins and a lake with Lotad. After passing through another foggy path, the NEO-ONE enters a sunny forest with Bewear and Pancham. After passing by some Shiftry and hidden Kecleon, the NEO-ONE passes some fog, which leads to an area which changes depending on the randomly selected season. The course starts in a foggy forest with Trevenant and Espurr.
  • Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

  • Pokemon snap elsewhere forest